Cyborg Computer Combining AI and Human Brain Cells: Amazing Research 2024

Cyborg Computer Combining AI and Human Brain Cells:

Millions of years ago, humans originated from bacteria. After many evolutions over millions of years, the present form of humans has evolved. 

The human brain is more complex than any supercomputer in the world and it consumes only 20 watts of energy for even the most complex processing whereas a supercomputer needs 20 megawatts of power to process more than a quintillion calculations per second (1 megawatt  = 1 million watt).

Cyborg Computer Combining AI and Human Brain Cells
Image source: Freepik

Therefore, today humans are at such a point in their development that it is very difficult to know what their future development will be like. Will we now move forward on the basis of random natural selection or will humans themselves decide what their colour, form, thinking and understanding powers will be in the future? 

Such discoveries are being made in the fields of biology, physics and technology, which may make us ‘Cyborgs’ in the future.

The speed at which AI and machine learning technologies are developing has made experts believe that in the future, humans will have to be converted into ‘Cyborgs’ so that they can compete with machines with AI technologies. 

This sounds exactly like the story of a Hollywood movie based on Science Fiction but it is quite possible.

Now let us know what this ‘Cyborg’ is. Cyborg is a hypothesis about future humans. In the future, cyborgs will be those people who will have many types of machines and brain chips installed inside their bodies. 

With the help of these machines and brain chips, the physical and mental capacity of humans will increase many times more than today. Many works are being done in this direction. 

Elon Musk’s company Nuralink and many other companies are doing research on connecting the neuron network of the human brain to the computer and they have found that it really works.

The positive aspect of this is that we may see a huge revolution in the medical field along with other fields. This will be no less than a boon for handicapped people.

As I said above, the human brain is the most efficient supercomputer in the world which consumes only 20 watts of energy to do the most complex processing.

This is what gave researchers the idea of ​​boosting computers by connecting lab-grown three-dimensional clumps of human brain cells to computers. These three-dimensional clumps of brain cells are called ‘brain organoid’.

The University of Indiana Bloomington (UIB) has developed a new system in this regard which is being called ‘Brainoware’.

After growing a brain organoid in a lab from stem cells, the team of University of Indiana Bloomington (UIB) placed the tissue on a plate covered with thousands of electrodes. They are then able to use conventional computing hardware to deliver electrical pulses to the brain organoid and record its reactive neural activity.

To demonstrate how such a system could be used, the team made 240 recordings of 8 Japanese speakers converting vowel sounds into electrical pulses. They then trained the AI ​​to guess which person was speaking based on the brain organoids’ neural activity in response to electrical stimulation.

Brinoware’s performance continuously improved during training and after 2 days it could make up to 78% accurate predictions.

Cyborg Computer Combining AI and Human Brain Cells
Image source: Freepik

However, Brainoware was less accurate at speech recognition than traditional computing systems running AI, and required a CO2 incubator and other power-hungry resources to keep the organoids alive.

In other words, the system isn’t an improvement on the technology we already have – but it could prove to be an important step on the path to more advanced biocomputing systems in the future.

If efforts to connect the neurons brain network to computers pay off, then humans will step into a new phase of evolution where humans will decide for themselves what kind of development they will have in the future.

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Advantages of Cyborg Technology:


Cyborg technology is primarily valued for its ability to assist those with disabilities. With its sophisticated features, it aids in the restoration of lost abilities like hearing, seeing, and other senses.

Prosthetics, artificial joints, pacemakers, cochlear implants, and prosthetic limbs are a few ways it assists the disabled.

Create New Possibilities

Additionally, cyborgs are used to improve pre-existing abilities like improved movement or vision. Additionally, you can use it to take on any special trait or power, including superpowers like the ability to sense temperature changes, detect infrared light, or improve cognitive function.

Benefits to Society

By creating cyborgs, we can create a society in which people can live longer, better lives, and without disabilities or health problems. But in order to prevent them from being misused, we need to put ethical standards into place.

Health Advantages

Cyborg improves the quality of medical procedures. Medical professionals are now better equipped to handle any serious illness, injury, or disability. To further explain, deep brain simulations can be used by medical professionals to simulate neurological diseases like Parkinson’s disease.


An advantage of cyborg technology will also be available in the field of defense where we will be able to prepare more skilled soldiers.

Disadvantage of Cyborg Technology:

But every coin also has another side. If integration of the human brain with computers has advantages then its disadvantages are also no less.

The computer chip installed in the human brain would also be a machine which if someone hacked it could cause huge destruction. Hackers can misuse it and if that happens then it will be a disaster. Companies working on this topic will have to create a robust system that cannot hack cyborgs.

Apart from this, it will be very costly and also unethical in the eyes of some people.

Another disadvantage of this may be that humans may lose their humanity and they will become more machines than humans.

Cyborg Computer Combining AI and Human Brain Cells
Image source: Freepik


Thus, we have seen in this article that researchers are getting some success in connecting the human brain to the computer, although more work remains to be done in this area. 

We also discussed here what Cyborg technology is and what are its advantages and disadvantages.

That’s all for now my friend! I hope this article will be valuable for you. You can reach me through the emails given below. I will love your valuable comments and feedback.


Abhijit Ranjan

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